Climate Responsive Facade

Taking into account context, and climate, this is a tool to use in early design stages to provide the designer with a starting point for window design. Currently, the tool is only optimized for South façade, in order to adapt to both passive solar gains and/or avoidance. Sometimes, particularly in a hot climate, a simulation would encourage us to forgo windows; however, the tradeoffs between daylight availability
The tool takes in a weather file, provides the corresponding climate zone (for educational purposes), finds the warmest day of the year and provide radiation analysis on the façade for that day (Using Cooling Degree Days), with consideration of context’s shading projected on the building’s facade. For example, in a hot climate, the areas receiving the most radiation for the selected day will have smaller windows than the areas that have less radiation.
Then, using a calculated sun profile angle based on the said day, the tool provides a shading device optimized for that day (at 1pm by default, but this may be changed).
The variation between the two is adjustable.
Future work would include optimization in line with daylight availability. This tool is intended to be used as a starting point for schematic design .