Interactive Dance Performance

A shattered dream,
An escape,
A stay.
Are you better now?
This interactive dance project titled Better is inspired by the story “those women in the 5 RMB motel”. In Jilin, China, Sun owns a female-only motel for over 24 years, only asking for 5 RMB a night (less than 1 US dollar) for those who can afford to pay and free of charge for those who cannot. Her motel was a refuge for many female victims of domestic violence, especially in the early years. A room in the motel is less than 10 sqm, with three sets of bunk beds, populated with bedbugs and cockroaches. For some, a single bed in this motel is all the hope they have. Our projection interprets the experience of the victim of domestic violence and their encounter with this motel, at the same time, explores different perspectives of the notion of “better”. Special thanks to our guest dancer: Jiayi Wu