Emoji Randomizer

Generating New and Better Emojis

Ran He
MAUD 2022
Yutan Sun
MIT MArch AP 2022
Haimei Li
MAUD 2022
1 Emoji matrix generation

Emojis are so popular among netizens because they concisely and comically express our emotions. However, when we have mixed feelings, or when we want to get creative with emojis, we may struggle with condensing all the emotions into a single yellow face. There are already so many precedents where people try to create their own emojis on the basis of existing ones, and we are not satisfied with the efficiency of traditional methods. We would like to develop an 'Emoji Recreation Randomizer' that produces the unexpected combination of emojis.

Project video
2 Using open emoji as inputs
3 Separation of facial features
4 Emoji matrix 2