Rhythm Master

Motion Visualization Based on Music

Zhiyu Li
MAUD 2022
Zirui Pang
MAUD 2022
Chenhao Ma
MAUD 2022
1 Dancing and conducting motions are visualized separately according to the music pitch.

This project aims to visualize the dialogue between different types of orchestra performance responding to the rhythm of music. Capturing the rhythm of music based on its pitch is the first step. The rhythm transformation, taking captured motion as carrier, is the following one. Various artistic forms, such as conducting and dancing, translate music in different ways. Moreover, unprecedented inspiration can be freed when an artistic form interacts with another considering their different response to the same music. The interactive relations can be combining, overlaying or interfering, which give birth to abundant exciting visual effects.

Project video
2 The dialogue between conducting and dancing responding to the rhythm of music.
3 Motions of Zhiyu' dance and Zirui' conduct on the symphony are captured, recorded by Chenhao.