
Lightsabers in Augmented Reality

Hangsoo Jeong
MArch I 2022
Henrik Ilvesmaki
MArch II 2022
Jacky Wong
MArch II 2022
1 Screenshots of the video

Inspired by the word “Jedi” in the assignment brief, we decided that the natural application for AR would have to be a lightsaber. We coded a pseudo real-time Grasshopper definition for Fologram, that recorded two concentric cylinders following our subject device. The length and thickness of these two cylinders could be parametrically changed in Grasshopper. In order for the recorder to follow our hand movements more closely, we limited the created list to around 100 lines in length. Because of this, the recorder could also be used for as long as one wanted without the application crashing.

In addition to this, we could have tried connecting two input devices (with two recorders and two accompanying lists in Grasshopper) to Fologram to simulate a lightsaber battle. Due to a variety of connection issues with our subject devices, we were not able to test this.

In the end, we dressed in a Gi and a Hakama for further consistency in our video.

Project video
2 Grasshopper definition, C# script
3 Iteration 1
4 Iteration 2
5 Testing different parameters