Participatory Graffiti
Digital democratization of street art

The premise of this project stems from ideas of participatory artwork, married with practices of image-making and computational editing. Similar to the way a prolonged exposure image will capture movement and change over time; by continuously photographing and projecting an image onto a wall this system will achieve comparable results, discretized by the distortion and fading generated through time and the persistence of new data inputs.
As time passes, the camera will continuously recapture the imprint of the past movements, feeding it back into the input and abstracting the form further and further, leading to an eventual decay of the original form into something new and unexpected. Over time, as more people interact with the screen, it will generate a density of interaction and form, populating the screen with a continuously more complex image and representing the individual's influence on the piece.
Looking at forms of informal artwork such as graffiti, this project seeks to create a medium of expression accessible to all. Through cumulative interactions in the space, a story emerges and a history can be seen, imprinted on the surface.