For Dichromatic Eyes

Video Content for You AND your Dog

Yimei Hu
MDes Ecologies 2024
Joyce Zhu
MLA II 2023
Niko Tian
MDes Ecologies 2023
1 Reenacted and processed motions are in sync with the original clip.

Wonder why your four-legged pals get bored so quickly watching TV? That's because dogs see the world differently than humans do. Possessing only two types of cones in their retinas, dogs can only discern yellow, blue, and some shade of grey. However, their eyes have 10-20 times greater motion sensitivity than humans. With an understanding of dogs' visual perceptions, we used this exercise to explore the possibility of reinterpreting and exaggerating motions from the human video content to make the videos as entertaining for dogs as they are for us.

Our team reenacted (in real-time) a short excerpt from "Tom and Jerry." We recorded the movements of each character, translated them into basic geometric shapes to further heighten the motions, and recolored them with hues visible dogs. We selected a clip that includes a breadth of movement types and intensity to explore how these variables impact the visual outcomes produced in grasshopper. To analyze the dog-friendliness of our project, we borrowed our friend's dog for a user test. Although the sample size is extremely small and, therefore, might be extremely biased, it did seem that our reenacted, recolored version of "Tom and Jerry " better captured the dog's attention.

Project video
2 Motion recording processes.
3 Dog color perceptions guide our color choices.
4 Visualizing what "Tom and Jerry" looks like to dogs.
5 Processing and visualizing motion tracking data in grasshopper.