Kelp Dance
A Childhood Game

The project intends to recall a childhood game called Kelp Dance. It is a box-guessing game similar to rock-paper-scissors. The process requires players to move their hands and arms like kelp while the players shout, “kelp ah kelp.” Our project aims to replicate the process of this game through motion detection. Hand movements were tracked, recorded, and then curated in various conceptual visualizations to present different patterns of motion interactions. The results generated three distinct forms from the original motion trajectory, consisting of different combinations of polylines, curves, surfaces, and volumes. The three forms represent communication, cooperation, and competition between two players.
1. Communication emphasizes a harmonious relationship by demonstrating a growing process of two similar forms. The organic and twisted movement symbolized the form of kelp. 2. Cooperation presented another process in which two similar forms were evolving in different directions through changes in the size of geometries at different speeds. 3. Competition was presented by the connecting lines between two moving surfaces, where the dynamic color and form changes resonate and compete with each other simultaneously.