A Simulated Foam-cutter Project

This project is trying to simulate a foam cutter, or more precisely saying, the constellation of foam, foam cutter, and the act of the operator.
By recording the motion on one device, the script generates the cutting traces and uses a boolean difference function to simulate the cutting-foam action; while with the second device, it is allowed to rotate the foam in-progress at different angles; but most importantly, when you feel like a specific design iteration, it can be saved to another model space, which is called the 'pin-up board'. On the 'pin-up' board, you could spend a second on checking your previous iterations, and go back to create more. This is realized by setting up a data flow between two Rhino files.
This computational process in reality was very slow due to the burden of recording Fologram traces and Boolean calculation. So we developed a script with two recorders to clean the cache from the first recorder every time one single cutting is completed. We also applied a loop function to make every cutting and rotation would be recorded on one single iteration, before we choose to restart a new design.