Flow, Fish & Flock
An Exploration of Fish, Ocean, and Glaciers

Nature can be peaceful, destructive, but above all, mesmerizing. To us, flocks of fish moving in a unified pattern under the rippling currents of the ocean is a prime example of this. Individual fish are easy prey in the ocean, but a unified school of fish moving in synchronization has a higher chance of surpassing this unfortunate fate. This shows us that there truly is strength in a well-organized group, or differently put, that more can be more. We wanted to showcase the beauty and science of fish swimming in perfect order, as well as incorporate the chaos of the environment the fish are often surrounded by. Thus, we explored how we can animate the waves and level of the ocean, which is where the fish are placed in. We also pose a question about how we — the human race — can aid in preserving the delicate balance of nature, rather than damage it, similar to how our animation shows lowering sea levels and shrinking icebergs.