A 4th Dimension Journey
A Higher Dimension Exploration

In the General Understanding, the 4th Dimension is time. But in this Assignment, we are not focusing on the 3D slices along various points in time. We are interested in considering the 4th Dimension as a Spatial Dimension.
Imagine there is a forth axis w perpendicular to the world coordinate system (x,y,z). And each point in a 4D space have 4 components. The coordinate of a 4D point is (x,y,z,w)
Now, the key here is that what the 4D being sees are 3D images, and we understand 3D very well, so it is perfectly possible for us to “see” the images in the 4D being's eyes. All we need to do is to learn how to infer the 4th dimension from these 3D images.