Climate in Flux
Interactive Installation on Climate Crisis

Imagine that you are given the power to restore the natural timescale of global warming. You are allowed to push down the rising sea levels, cool the heated cities and warm the ones that are afflicted with snowstorms. But with great power come even greater adversaries! Your only enemy, the human race, is escalating its carbon emissions exponentially and increasing the turbulence in the climate, endangering life for all species.
‘Climate in flux’ is an interactive installation with the intention to raise awareness on the relationship between human actions and climate change. Visitors will be asked to join the mission to restore the planetary equilibrium by accomplishing a task within 60 seconds timeframe. The installation tracks visitors’ motions and projects them onto future simulated environments including extreme cold, heat, increased carbon dioxide emissions and sea level rise. Before long, visitors will realize that the mission is close to impossible. The more drastic the environments, the more energy they will need to expend to reverse the conditions back to initial state. Therefore, this installation piece is a critique on our existing efforts in decarbonization. How extreme should the impacts be before humans start putting more effort into mitigating climate change? Will we be able to reverse the timescale of change?