The Seasons
Colorful Vivaldi, Musical Monet

“Synesthesia” is a perceptual phenomenon in multi-sensory stimulation, combining visual and auditory. To portray this, we create synergy between “Four Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi and “Water Lilies” by Claude Monet. Although paintings and music are different forms of art, our team believes that the expressions of Monet and Vivaldi on four seasons and the linear style variation between each season are a starting point to link them. Both Monet's Water Lilies and Vivaldi's The Four Seasons depict seasons in various colors, shapes, rhythm, and pitch, which is their shared characteristic. Through these various media, people are able to visualize seasons differently. We separated the components of each work of art and mapped them with one another in order to build a synesthetic environment. By extracting each instrument from The Four Seasons, we hope to link each violin, viola, cello, and double bass to the components of water lilies, leaves, shade, and water from the Water Lilies. As the audience watches the painting being drawn, the segment of music played by each instrument will be played creating a synesthetic experience. Through our work, the audience can perceive shapes when they hear music in an immersive way.