An Unlucky Person’s Day

Transcribe Daily Motions Into Traceable Paths

Yimeng Ding
MAUD 2024
Esther Li
MAUD 2025
Hui Li
MAUD 2025
1 Snapshot of all motions

Can we make something beautiful out of ordinary yet bizarre daily actions?

It is usually on the day of design review when things stop to work:

- You miss your 7AM alarm to plot, and have to rush to get dressed;

- You run out of house to catch a bus, but forget to lock the door and have to come back;

- You board the busiest bus ever and get squished;

- You finally make it to the review, but get roasted because you only plot half of your work;

- But luckily, your friend is there to give you a hug and tell you everything is ok;

- And you make it home finally, and your bed awaits…

Project video
2 "In Bus" motion transcribed in animation
3 "Hug" motion transcribed
4 "Hug" motion recorded
5 GH script