Moon's Day Off

Cosmic Decay of a Stable System

Jimi Adeseun
MArch II 2025
Thomas Delahouliere
MArch I 2024
Brian Zug
MArch I 2024
1 Small moons in orbit.

Our moon controls more than we realize: ocean tides and coral spawning season are only two of the spatiotemporal effects of the moon. We imagined a new system: an inhabited base mesh is affected by one large moon with two moons of its own. The mesh swirls and ripples according to the motions of the moons. As the moon system is pulled away from the inhabited mesh, its effects intensify, launching the inhabitants skyward.

Project video
2 The moons' effects on the mesh.
3 Terrain and its inhabitants swirl as the moons fall.
4 The moons have sunk and the inhabitants have ascended.