Grand Transit Autonomous

… whoever regrets that the house of the future can no longer be constructed by building craftsmen should bear in mind that the motor-car is no longer built by the wheelwright (Conrads, 1982, p. 82). Mies van der Rohe, 1924
The development of urban settlement is always in tangent with the invention of “new buildings” and “the things in between buildings”. As the quote by Mies suggests, we cannot look into new urban forms without considering how people move around them. With the new era in transportation – Autonomous vehicles, a couple of assumptions for its urban impact would be first, reduced road width; Second, more public space in place of roads for productive uses(agriculture or economic production?); Third, people will be the at the forefront of this new transportation, not cars.
We hope to model how urban block typologies change as the autonomous and decentralized means of transportation establish its pattern in the city. We also hope to do such modeling in an interactive way with physical model(&fiducial marker) so people can see how their decision going from one place to another with autonomous vehicles will, in the long-run, affect urban fabric.