Evolve from Singularity
Momentary Motion to Eternal Universe

The evolution of the universe has long been a profound mystery. What if our universe were collapsing into a new singularity, sparking a Big Bang and giving rise to a new world?
Inspired by the Evolutionary Hypothesis and The Three-Body Problem, we explore this concept by abstracting the evolution of life, from unicellular organisms to mammals and advanced civilizations. Artistically abstracting from the physical characteristics and behaviors, we use HTC Vive controllers to record motions representing different creatures. In Grasshopper, we generate parametric shapes that simulate various parts of a new creature’s body, with their size and direction dynamically responding to movement speed and touchpad interaction.
Through this project, we aim to propose potential interactions between animal behaviors, simulated motions, parametric geometry, and new creatures, reflecting how contemporary digital and reproduction world can influence new forms of life and evolution.